Toward New Design Education and Research
The current Department of Design, Chiba University is arranged as one of the courses in the integrated Department pf Engineering within the Faculty of Engineering. At the graduate school, it is positioned as one of the courses of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Division of Creative Engineering. The educational system is the same as before, with students receiving education in each course and involved in research such as graduate studies, master’s theses, and doctoral dissertations. However, the faculty members are organized separately from the students’ educational courses and belong to a single course called the Department of Integrated Engineering in the Graduate School of Engineering. Our goal is to conduct research and education that integrates other fields besides design.
In addition, the design research institute (dri), a center under the direct control of the university, will be established in the next academic year. At the same time, the Sumida campus will be opened with a new style of education and research.
The latest design course consists of 14 laboratories, each of which has its unique characteristics to develop education and research: Product Design, System Planning, Design Management, Material Planning, Design Morphology, Communication Design, Human Informatics, Design Psychology, Commercial Design, Environmental Design, Humanomics, Design Culture, Contextual Design, and Sustainable Design.
Design workshop and exhibition in collaboration with ENSCI Les Ateliers