Fostering the Next Generation of Engineering Professionals to Create Innovation
Kagawa University’s Faculty of Engineering and Design has adopted a single-department system in order to conduct interdisciplinary education and research to create new value and integrate different fields. We have established the following seven courses, taking into consideration the fields that are in high demand in the society and the fields that have become increasingly popular in recent years.
【Faculty of Engineering and Design’s 7 Courses】
- Media and Product Design Course
- Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering Course
- Disaster and Crisis Management Course
- Computer Science, Systems, and Security Course
- Information and Communications Technology Course
- Mechanical Systems Course
- Advanced Materials Science Course
With the aim to foster “next-generation engineering human resources” who can accurately grasp the changes of the times and create innovations that meet the needs of society and people, we have developed a curriculum that incorporates the development of “design thinking skills” and “risk management skills” in all courses.
In this context, the Product and Media Design Course plays a central role in fostering “design thinking skills”, and teachers with a wide variety of design experience provide practical training programs.
“Design Thinking” at Kagawa University is a method of approaching problem-solving and innovation creation in all areas of business and daily life by following the thinking process shown in the diagram below based on the following basic concepts. We offer classes that allow students to acquire “Design Thinking” through repeated experience of the process on various practical themes.

“Design Thinking” at Kagawa University